Drinking Water Rules & Regulations (ONLINE) - Monday June 14, 2021
Introduction to Drinking Water Rules & Regulations
Monday June 14, 2021
8:30 am to 3:30 pm (1 hour break will be provided for lunch 11:30 am -12:30 pm)
This course explains the evolution of the Drinking Water Rules and Regulations of the United States. In addition, the majority of the course is used to review the creation and current state of the current drinking water rules.
This course is approved by the GA Board of Water and Wastewater Treatment Operators and Laboratory Analysts for 6 renewal points for drinking water.
Attendees are required to attend via the internet using a computer, smartphone or tablet that has a camera. The attendee is required to be on camera through the entire class in order to receive a certificate of completion.
IMPORTANT: If you plan on paying by credit or debit card, please click the ADD TO CART button below. If you plan on paying with a company check, please click pay by check.